Abortion Sucks.
Watch our Introductory Video Below.
Our Mission
We seek to lower the abortion rate in Canada by
EDUCATING students about the truth of abortion
EQUIPPING students with apologetics skills to confront abortion
MOBILIZING students to change our pro-abortion culture.
University students are so inundated with pro-abortion messaging that they consider themselves pro-choice by default. Pro-life students, conversely, are regularly harassed and silenced by pro abortion faculty and administration.
These students will become our country’s next leaders, politicians, lawyers, doctors, and parents. It is imperative that we reach them.
But, the same old tactics won’t work. Times are changing; the pro abortion lobby is adapting.
So. Are. We.
Our Approach
We train students to effectively counter the pro-choice narrative on campus, and equip them to use their skills well beyond the campus sphere to forge a new, Pro Life culture.
Abortion is a multi-faceted crisis, rooted in politics, media, academia, law, and the healthcare industry. In order to effectively combat it, we must engage in all those same spheres.
Daunting, isn’t it? But that is exactly what must be done, if we hope to see change in Canada. So, to tackle this leviathan-sized monster, NCLN exists to abolish abortion entirely, by cultivating powerful inter-disciplimary pro life leadership across Canada.
We support 13 pro-life university clubs across the country and host a regular student pro-life conference. Our guidance and resources ensure that these clubs are able to effectively and consistently expose their peers to the pro-life message, even in a climate of censorship. We make sure no student is left behind—whether pro-life or pro-choice.
Our Results
We put a strong focus on measurement to make sure we are consistently and concretely changing the lives of the young people we meet, mentor, and train.
How it works
Students are trained to track the # of conversations they have, and from those conversations, participants express an initial position and final position on abortion.
Those who are not 100% pro-life may have an incremental conversion to a MORE pro-life perspective.
We count the number of incremental conversions to gauge our impact on the ground.
The Hub
See how YOU can contribute to the pro life movement below! Whether you’re a writer, a politician, a videographer, an actor, an artist, a speaker, a dancer, or anything else, YOU can make a difference and save lives today!
On Campus Activism
This one is pretty self explanatory :) We set up a booth on campus, and have conversations with other students on campus about abortion. There have been so many incredible stories and testimonies of people changing their minds about abortion through these types of conversations!
We kick our semesters off with an apologetics training with CCBR! Then, clubs can take part in discussion/research groups, club socials, and outreach initiatives!
Special events are our way of making a splash on and off the campus community! This involves hosting special guest speakers to present on various abortion-related topics.
Off Campus Activism
Join CCBR out on the streets! Street activism is a perfect complement to on-campus boothing, and involves the exact same style of apologetics. Join a volunteer team and bring the truth of abortion forward!
We need to get creative with activism, and we know that! So many people hustle by activists, eyes fixed on the ground, trying their best to avoid a conversation. So, we need a few new ways to get the message out. And, postcards are a fantastic way to do this! We’ve seen postcards used in political campaigns, social campaigns, and even business campaigns! Now, we apply that to fighting the injustice of abortion!
Billboards are very expensive. But street activism is very limited in terms of location and duration! So, stickers and posters are a great form of guerrilla marketing to address both of these issues. They can span several blocks, and stay up for weeks on end! And… they don’t cost hundreds of dollars.
Reach a wider audience, for a longer period of time, and bring the conversation to many, many people who wouldn’t otherwise be exposed to the truth about abortion.
Social Media
We have Facebook and Instagram pages for our national page, our Ontario provincial page, and each of our Ontario campus clubs.
These pages are dedicated to pro life apologetics, exposing deaths caused by abortion, and sharing the truth about pre born life.
Youtube is particularly popular among youth, and it’s a key avenue for reaching today’s younger generation. Our Youtube channel tackles pro life responses to contemporary headlining issues, pro life logic and apologetics, and responses to common pro choice arguments.
Our website hosts our newest strategies and projects. It’s the central hub for everything we’re up to, and our plans for the future! It also has merch, conversation starter ideas, and order forms for stickers and posters.
We post our apologetics and expose videos to Reddit. We also post debate topics for followers to express their opinions, and ask for followers to share their perspectives on some of the toughest pro choice arguments.
We have joined with C-DOT, a local singer-songwriter who has created an incredibly powerful pro life song from the perspective of a preborn child asking his mother to protect his life. We’re working with C-DOT to develop animations to accompany his music, bringing powerful imagery to his powerful music!
The heartbreak following an abortion is crushing, and yet most post-abortive women are gaslit into silence. Their suffering is stifled, silenced, and invalidated. Never gives voice to these women, sharing their testimony and offering hope for healing.
Hit the button below to email us if you want to learn more about these projects, join in, or have a project of your own you want to bring to fruition!